
Meet Amber

Sharing diverse, remarkable, and inspiring real-life stories is what the I am OneBlood movement is all about.

Amber I am OneBlood image

Host a Blood Drive

Become an agent of change and host a blood drive.

chair person receiving materials

Our Service Area

We are committed to saving lives in your community.

Hands holding mobile phone on blurred city as background

Earn Rewards

You get rewarded every time you donate with OneBlood.

Maximize you rewards logo with confetti background

Following the Holiday, there is an Urgent Need for Platelet Donations. Please Donate Now!

Financials & Governance

OneBlood provides ethical, honest and courteous service to ensure the goodwill of the community. We believe in transparency in the stewardship of the blood supply. In this section you will find all of OneBlood’s financial and governance documents.

Businessmen use laptops to access information in online documents. through the protection system.Document Management System (DMS), online documentation database, and digital file storage system.