1. Your Donation
Thank you! Your donation has started its amazing lifesaving journey. There is no substitute for blood. Generous donors are the only source.
2. Processing
Once you have finished donating, your gift’s journey has just begun. Your unit of blood is sent for processing, and the sample tubes are sent to the lab for testing.
3. Testing
Each and every unit of donated blood undergoes 18 state-of-the-art tests to ensure it is 100% safe for transfusion.
4. Prepare for Shipping
Meanwhile, your unit of blood is being prepared for hospital shipment. Depending on your blood type and donation method, each unit is optimized for patient use.
5. Your Donation Is on Its Way!
Local hospitals send us their requests for the blood they need on a daily - and sometimes hourly - basis. My OneBlood Journey will now notify you when your unit is on its way to a hospital!
6. Message My Donor
For some, the journey may continue through our Message My Donor Program.