
Meet Amber

Sharing diverse, remarkable, and inspiring real-life stories is what the I am OneBlood movement is all about.

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Michael De Lucca

Vice Chairman
President and CEO
Broward Regional Health Planning Council, Inc.

Hollywood, Florida

Mr. De Lucca serves as President and CEO of Broward Regional Health Planning Council, Inc., a dynamic agency that works with the public and private leadership in the South Florida region. The Council oversees a wide range of programs including childcare, family health, housing, HIV prevention, substance abuse and mental health programs. The Council’s Health Data Warehouse has been recognized as an innovative health data dissemination model by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Michael De Lucca

Mr. De Lucca takes an active approach to community involvement, serving on various boards and committees in the South Florida region. Among his many commitments, he serves as Chair for the Everglades Area Health Education Center (AHEC) and on the Executive Board of the Southeast Regional Domestic Security Task Force. He is a member of the United Way Board of Directors and United Way Health Impact Committee, as well as Past Chair of the CCB Board of Directors.

Mr. De Lucca’s achievements have earned him many recognition awards, including being named a member of the South Florida 100, 100 of South Florida’s most influential people in government, politics and culture. Most recently, he was published in the Online Journal of Public Health Informatics for the development and implementation of a Clinical and Business Intelligence system for the Florida Health Data Warehouse. He has also received the Caring Soul Award from International Health Initiatives, the Paths of Public Health Award for Health Policy and Management from Florida International University.

Mr. De Lucca has over 28 years of experience in health care management and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Florida International University and Master’s degree in Health Management from St. Thomas University.