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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: The Power of Latino Blood Donors

Sara Martinez
September 01, 2023

Latinos have influenced our nation’s story in many ways, from politics and sports to music, education, and much more. The second largest racial or ethnic group in the U.S., the Latino population holds tremendous power to impact our community.

Hispanic Heritage Month runs September 15 through October 15, and is the perfect opportunity to learn about and recognize all the valuable contributions the Latino community has made in America past and present.

Whether you are going to a local parade, visiting an art exhibit, or having a delicious potluck, there are so many ways to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

What’s one of the most unique ways Latinos can make a difference in our community? Donating blood.

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Less than 5% of the Hispanic population donates blood

With so few donating, imagine the immediate lifesaving difference it would make if more of the Hispanic community donated!

Without the help of our Latino donors, our blood supply would be depleted. Share your power and make donating blood part of your regular routine today.

Nearly 60% of the Hispanic population has Type O blood

Type O blood is the blood type in highest demand by patients in need.

O- blood is the universal blood type. That means it can be transfused into any patient, regardless of their blood type. When seconds count in an emergency, doctors turn to O- blood to help save lives.

O+ is the most common blood type in the general population. This means it is transfused most often.

As Type O blood donors, Latinos have the potential to save thousands of lives!

Latino blood donors could be a perfect match

Blood types are more complicated than just ABO blood groups and Rh positive or negative. Your blood could possibly carry a rare variant that can save the lives of others that match for the same variant!

Just like a bone marrow or organ transplant, the best blood match for a patient is from a donor with a similar genetic background or heritage. This is why a diverse blood supply is so important.

Latino donors could be the perfect match for a friend, a relative, or even a complete stranger in the Hispanic community. We are all one comunidad. One community.

Join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by sharing your power as a Latino blood donor today!

Sara Martinez, OneBlood Digital Marketing Specialist

Sara Martinez

Sara Martinez is a Digital Marketing Specialist at OneBlood. From creating strategic online campaigns to writing engaging stories, she is passionate about raising awareness to inspire others and helping make a difference in our community. #ShareYourPower

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