How To Host a Big Red Bus Blood Drive
Sara Martinez
January 24, 2025
Sara Martinez
January 24, 2025
Looking for an easy, fun, and rewarding way to make a BIG impact on your community? Host a blood drive! From schools to businesses, religious organizations to community gatherings, the Big Red Bus can roll up just about anywhere there are blood donors ready to save lives.
Every two seconds of every day, someone needs blood. Just a single whole blood donation could save up to three lives! When you host a blood drive, you have an almost immediate impact. Donations from blood drives are delivered to hospitals in just a few days. An hour of your time can mean a lifetime to patients in need.
A blood drive is also a great way to create collaboration and make a positive change in your community.
Our Big Red Bus will roll up with everything you need from start to finish. We’ll even bring cookies, juice, and a gift for each donor!
All you need to do is designate someone from your organization to be our point person. We call this person the Blood Drive Chairperson. An enthusiastic, dependable Blood Drive Chairperson is one of the primary keys to a successful drive. The OneBlood representative assigned to your drive will work closely with the Chairperson to plan a memorable lifesaving event.
Ready to get started? Here are three easy steps to host a Big Red Bus blood drive:
Submit your information and get the process rolling to become a Chairperson.
A OneBlood representative will be assigned to your blood drive and reach out to you to plan the date of your blood drive. We can schedule the Big Red Bus or even set up inside your facility. Please keep in mind, a typical blood drive is about five hours.
Once scheduled, we provide all marketing materials and support for your blood drive. This includes print and digital pieces you can use to help recruit donors. The number one reason people don’t donate is they haven’t been asked, so ask! A personal ask goes a long way.
Be the one to inspire change. Sign up to host a blood drive today!
Sara Martinez is a Digital Marketing Specialist at OneBlood. From creating strategic online campaigns to writing engaging stories, she is passionate about raising awareness and helping make a difference in our community. #ShareYourPower