Palm Beach, FL
May 8, 2013
In 1977 Harold Mendenhall’s wife Frankie, who was a hospital transfusion nurse, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Although she never needed a blood transfusion, Harold realized the importance of blood donations and began giving every 8 weeks. The 84-year-old Riviera Beach resident realized he is blessed with good health and can help hospital patients, particularly those fighting leukemia.
Mendenhall became one of the first platelet donors to give platelets using a new automated donation process at the time. He originally set a goal of giving 5 gallons and then kept going until he reached 100 gallons! Florida Blood Centers, a division of OneBlood, Inc., celebrates his amazing milestone.
Blood donations profoundly affect the lives of patients in our community. In many cases one donation could impact or even save the lives of three patients. Generally, healthy people age 16 or older who weigh at least 110 pounds can donate blood. Go to for more information and eligibility questions or call 1.888.9.DONATE (936.6283).