Meet Khalil

Sharing diverse, remarkable, and inspiring real-life stories is what the I am OneBlood movement is all about.

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Fort Mill, South Carolina

Thank you for your gift to life. I received your blood on October 15th and was told on the 16th that I had Walking Pneumonia. I have been fighting Multiple Myeloma and now a double dose.

I decided to wait to thank you so I could give you my good news. I had a bone marrow test on October 20 and there were no radical cells to be found. My lungs are clear and there is still some evidence of the pneumonia in my bronchiole tubes. Every day they are clearing up more.


You gave the gift of life which is an ultimate gift that anyone could give. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. May you enjoy a beautiful holiday. Thank you God, thank you my blood donor, and thank all of the medical friends that have been on this ride with me. God is good. I BELIEVE.

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How You Can Help

About Blood

Learn more about blood, why blood is needed, and how blood is used.

Blood 101

Hosting a Blood Drive

Become an agent of change and host a blood drive today.

Blood Drive

Donation Methods

Learn more about what to expect when donating blood.
