The Villages, Florida
The Villages, Florida
Just one more pint donation and I would be a 3 gallon donor. That didn’t happen because the next month at age 41, I was diagnosed with invasive stage 2 breast cancer. I underwent a lumpectomy followed by chemotherapy and radiation and 5 years of Tamoxifen therapy. I thought having had cancer, I could never be a blood donor again. But I have since found out otherwise.
Last year we moved to The Villages in Florida. I accompanied my husband and friends to a blood drive.
I spoke to the OneBlood registration and they explained that YES I could donate blood again! The regulation is that I can donate one year post cancer treatment. I happily donated blood that day and 2 more times since then. I read about this Tell Your Story and wondered how many thousands of cancer survivors may have had the same idea I did- that they could never donate blood again. I hope by telling my story the word will spread that YES, after successful cancer treatment, our blood is still very much needed.