We are currently facing an increased need for all whole blood donations. Please donate today.
Lantana, Florida
Lantana, Florida
Jean has always dreamed of having superpowers. He would think about all the people he could help if he had the power of teleportation or superspeed.
Though he doesn’t have any of those comic book superpowers, Jean has found a way to make a difference.
When he was 17, Jean read about a OneBlood donor who had given 40 gallons.
“I thought that was so amazing that this man helped so many people. It was that moment when I decided I wanted to donate 50 gallons.”
Jean established a routine of giving regularly. He started learning more about the people he could help with his donations. He even met someone with Lupus who had received platelet transfusions, which further inspired him to stick with his mission.
In 2021, Jean reached the impressive 10-gallon milestone, and he’s not stopping there.
“I’m hoping my story, even though I am an ordinary guy, inspires others to help their community out by donating,” Jean said. “Whether it’s blood or your time, I honestly believe to make the world a better place, you must start the process and others will follow.”
Jean doesn’t need a cape or a shield to be a superhero. His superpower is running through his veins: saving lives through blood donation.
For the longest time, I always dreamed of having superpowers. The things I could do if I had the power of teleportation or superspeed. The vast amount of people I could help. Sadly, I wasn’t granted with them.
In 2011, I received a letter in the mail from OneBlood about all the people that have donated. As I flipped through the pages, I saw this one man who donated 40 gallons of blood. I was 17 at the time and thought that was so amazing that this man helped so many people. It was that moment when I decided I wanted to donate 50 gallons of blood.
I established a routine of going regularly whenever possible. I started to learn more about the blood recipients who needed what I had to offer, eventually meeting someone who had Lupus and had to receive platelet transfusions.
I finally reached the 10-gallon threshold, one-fifth of the way towards my goal. I’m hoping my story (even though I am an ordinary dorky guy) inspires others to help their community out by donating. Whether it’s blood or your time, I honestly believe to make the world a better place, you must start the process and others will follow.
Even though I don’t have superpowers, I’m sure the amount of people I’ve helped would be content with what I’ve done.